What to Pack for Your Dog for a Hike in Colorado

A dog hiking gear list: From hydration to first aid
Getting ready to head out on the trails with your dog?
Wondering what to pack for your pooch?
Before you head up into the mountains (or just around Castle Rock), here are helpful items to add to your hiking gear list, so you can take good care of your dog.
#1: Water and a bowl
If your dog is new to hiking or you’re hiking on warm days, always err on the side of taking too much water for your dog.
That way, you can safely learn how much water your dog needs.
Be sure to give your dog water every hour, if not sooner. Any time you want a drink, give your dog a drink too!
Tip: You can find collapsible, dog water bowls to fit easily in your pack.
#2: First aid bandages for your dog
Here are the first aid items that Dr. Melanie always packs for her dog:
- Bandage pads: Gauze pads or Telfa dressing pads
- Bandage wrap (like Co-Flex or Ace bandages): If needed, you can gently wrap this stretchy fabric around your dog’s entire body or use it as a tourniquet
- Medical tape: White adhesive tape to secure bandages to your dog
(If you need to improvise bandages, you could use a bandana or a sock.)
#3: Contact info for a 24-hour vet in your hiking area
If you’re hiking with your dog in the mountains or along the foothills, you may need to take action right away for wounds or even rattlesnake bites.
Before you head out with your dog, look up the 24-hour emergency veterinarian in the area you’re going to be in — particularly if you go there often.
Tip: Save the name and address in your phone, so you know where to head if you’re out of cell coverage.
#4: Capsules of Benadryl
You may want to take capsules of Benadryl in case your dog gets stung by a bee or bitten by a bug while out hiking.
Before you head out on the trail, call your veterinarian to get the right dosage and make sure it’s safe for your dog.
(If you’re new to the area and looking for a veterinarian, we welcome new pet families.)
#5: Tweezers
Ticks live in woody and grassy areas, so yes, your dog could pick up a tick while hiking in Colorado.
If you see a tick on your dog, use tweezers to carefully remove it.
Try not to detach the tick’s head from its body during removal, so the bite area will heal properly.
If you’re nervous about removing the tick, keep in mind that the most important thing is to get the tick out quickly.
Other items to consider packing
- Dog treats/kibble
- Baby wipes to wipe down your dog: If your dog has allergies, baby wipes can help you get pollen and dirt off your dog’s skin and paws.
- A comb: If your dog has been walking in grasses or weeds, comb your dog to look for foxtail seeds.
- An old towel: You never know when a storm may hit or your dog may take an unexpected swim in an alpine lake.
- Dog hiking boots: These booties can take a little getting used to, so you may want to have your dog try them in your neighborhood first.
- Dog hiking harness
- Poop bags
- A spare leash
If you are new to hiking in Colorado…
Make sure you have the right essentials for yourself too. Here are 10 essential items to include in your backpack for a day trip to the mountains from The Denver Post.